Three different guys
It is Thursday morning. I took a walk this morning with Nick. He and Irene are the Human Rights Missionaries who arrived just a few weeks ago. They live in apartment #7. This is their 3rd African Church Mission. Nice people. I will talk more about them sometime. They are not the reason nor the subject of my short post. He and I walk most mornings now. We walked through part of the neighborhood and then headed over to the Koala store. On the way, he wanted to see the Chinese restaurant in that part of the neighborhood so I took him that way. Upon entering the gate to the place (many businesses and homes have gates), I noticed the security guard off to the left sitting on the bench. It was way too early for the restaurant to be opened. He mentioned something about that. We just wanted to get acquainted with the place and go for dinner sometime soon. He noticed my badge (we wear our missionary badges everywhere w...